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Alba,Javier Mascherano,Pique,Busquets,Iniesta,Rakitic,Nei Maer,Suarez and Messi a complete of 9 Barcelona players in the FIFA accession of the year's applicant list,Messi is the FIFA Abecedarian of the Year one of the endure three able players,but none of them arrived,and appropriately were included,including C Luo celebrities,public criticism and irony.

Barca said in a statement,the absence of the Cheap Fifa Coins accolade is due to adapt for Wednesday's Bilbao's King's Cup game, and Enrique is aswell the bold afore the columnist conference, said: "go to the awards commemoration is the players Their own decisions,as their coach,I can alone abutment them. "

Enrique is aswell complete annoyed with the players to the bold as the a lot of important,after all,Barcelona in the aboriginal leg to 1-2 negative: "sports advancing affidavit aloft all,I will abutment them any accommodation I will in actuality abutment my team,we anon To admission a key bold to play,I ahead the accession 's accommodation is to action for.

"After the bold we analyzed the game, it is bright that we are not a favorable side, but we denticulate a goal,it gives us added choices,the Cup with the alliance to two circuit of the game, for example,I "Said Enrique." It's a topic, but it's football.Even if you play complete able and the abstracts is pretty, but you do admission a lot of things to do,Not consistently win, you admission to be added efficient. "

Enrique said he would not complain: "When I was asked about Cristiano Ronaldo's irony at the FIFA Awards,Enrique responded:" I admission been in the accomplished anniversary I did not watch TV and I was lucky.

